
Glutinous rice dumplings with sesame peanut filling in syrup


2 raw sugar bars
sliced ginger
2 cups water
Dough :
1 cup glutinous rice flour
1/2 cup water
Filling :
1/3 cup white sesame seeds
1/3 cup sugar
2 tbsps peanut butter
1/2 tbsp flour
1 tbsp Chinese rose wine


Stir fry white sesame seeds till lightly browned in a dry wok. Then crush them with a grinder.
Heat 1/2 tbsp of oil in a non-stick pot over low heat. Add flour and stir with a wooden spatula until it bubbles. Turn off the heat.
Add all other filling ingredients and stir well.
Add water to the glutinous rice flour. Knead it into dough that does not stick to the hands.
Divide the dough into small portions. Put 2 tsps of filling into each portion of dough. Roll them into balls.
Boil some water. Add raw sugar bars and ginger. Cook until the sugar melts. Set aside.
Put the small dumplings from step 5 into boiling water. Cook until they float. Strain. Top with the syrup from step 6. Serve.

菲律賓駐港領事館外傭牌照: POLOHK-1120-125
印尼駐港領事館外傭牌照: 98917.027.I.2022
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