
Rice noodles in fish soup with deep fried dace balls


Some fresh black mushrooms, vegetables
1 pack rice noodles
160g seasoned dace paste
1 tbsp flour
3 eggs (beaten)
1/3 tsp salt
10 cups water


360g dace bones
1 crucian carp
250g pork bones
500g radish
80g shark bones
2 stalks Chinese celery
1 tsp white peppercorns
sliced ginger
2 cups water
Gut and wash the crucian carp. Wash the dace bone. Fry them in oil separately. Put them into a pot. Add sliced ginger and water. Boil for a while.
Wash and scald shark bones and pork bones. Peel the radish and cut into pieces. Wash celery and cut into lengths.
Put the above ingredients into a pot with peppercorns. Pour in water. Boil for 1 1/2 hours. Strain and discard the ingredients. Set aside.
Add flour and salt to the dace paste. Stir well. Pour in beaten eggs little by little with constant stirring. Scoop out this dace mixture and put it into hot oil. Deep fry until golden.
Boil rice noodles until done. Drain and put in a serving bowl. Boil vegetables and fresh mushrooms until done. Arrange them over rice noodles. Pour fish soup and put dace balls on top. Serve.

菲律賓駐港領事館外傭牌照: POLOHK-1120-125
印尼駐港領事館外傭牌照: 98917.027.I.2022
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