
Minced Chinese Sausage Delux in Lettuce Bowl


Mini dried shrimps 5 cliens
Chinese sausages 2
Olive kernels 3 tbsp
Rice vermicelli a few
Canned bamboo shoots (finely diced) 1/2 bowl
Carrot (finely diced) 1 tbsp
Shitake mushrooms (soaked and finely diced) 2
Chopped shallot 2 cloves
Crushed garlic 2 cloves
Lettuce 1


Salt 1/2 tsp
Sugar 1/2 tsp
Sesame oil a few drops
Oyster sauce 1 tsp
Cut lettuce in 2 halves. Rinse and trim in bowl shapes.
Soak and drain dried shrimps. Dice Chinese sausages.
Stir fry bamboo shoot in a wok without oil.
Deep fry olive kernels until crunchy, then drain. Deep fry rice vermicelli for 5 seconds and drain. Put on a serving plate.
Blanch dried shrimps, carrot and Chinese sausage. Drain.
Saute shallot, garlic and shitake mushrooms. Add dried shrimps and Chinese sausages. Then, add bamboo shoot and carrot. Stir well.
Stir in seasonings and add olive kernels. Stir in thickening and mix well. Put on the bed of fried rice vermicelli. Serve with fresh lettuce bowls.

菲律賓駐港領事館外傭牌照: POLOHK-1120-125
印尼駐港領事館外傭牌照: 98917.027.I.2022
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