
How to choose a suitable maid

Filipino Maid vs. Indian Maid

Filipino domestic helpers have a global footprint and a long history in Hong Kong, which is inseparable from the "world housekeeping service brand" established by the Philippines over the years. In the late 1990s, Indonesian foreign domestic helpers became popular with Hong Kong people mainly because of their simple folk customs and higher obedience. Some Indonesian domestic domestic helpers understand Cantonese and are easier to communicate with Hong Kong people. Compared with the former two, Thai domestic helpers are The number of ports is insignificant;

Filipino Maid vs. Indian Maid

Many Filipino domestic helpers have a college/college degree. The main language of the middle school is to communicate in English, Indonesian, Cantonese, and simple English. The training period is about 14 days and about 3 months. The training period is about 14 days and about 3 months. , Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. The number of people in Hong Kong is about 150,000. About 150,000 reviews. Filipino domestic helpers have an average education level of middle school or above. English and Dagaro are the official languages, so the English level is relatively high. This is also due to the Philippines. It has been ruled by Western countries for a long time, so the living model and standard are relatively modern and advanced. It is easy to adapt and learn Hong Kong's way of life. It can help children in English; however, as the number of Filipino domestic helpers in Hong Kong increases The more you are influenced by your fellow villagers, the more you emphasize the terms of the contract, and your compliance begins to decline. It is also because the Filipino domestic helpers have rich experience as domestic helpers, they are more prone to "choosing employers", "switching jobs" and "lazy" Circumstances: Indian domestic helpers are more obedient, simple, hardworking, and more flexible in holiday arrangements. In addition, the Indonesian government attaches great importance to the training of local foreign domestic helpers, which greatly improves the quality of Indian domestic helpers. It is very popular among Hong Kong people, because the living environment in Singapore and Hong Kong are similar. Generally, employers think that Indian domestic helpers who have worked in Singapore will be more organized and hygienic in handling housework;

Overseas maids vs. local maids

"Overseas domestic helpers" who are directly hired by their country to work in Hong Kong are generally simpler, more diligent and more obedient. Since "overseas domestic helpers" come to work in Hong Kong for the first time and are not affected by the habits of their former employers, employers can follow their own rules. They need to be instructed and set rules, and they will have special respect for the first employer;

Since the "ready-made maids" in Hong Kong have accumulated a lot of experience in Hong Kong foreign domestic helpers and have adapted to the life style and habits of Hong Kong people; but also because foreign domestic helpers already have work experience, they may be "reversed" and "lazy" , Compliance is low.

Overseas maids vs. local maids

Overseas maid

local maids

application time

About three and a half to four months
(It varies according to the approval time of the consulate, the Hong Kong Immigration Department and the national agency to which it belongs)

About 2 weeks

Number of choices


Fewer (Because foreign domestic helpers can only find new employers within 14 days after the completion of the contract, the number is smaller than that of overseas domestic helpers)

Handling fee



Selection process

Browse worker profiles and videos

Instant interview


Generally higher

Generally lower

Adaptation period

Generally longer

Since I have worked in Hong Kong for more than 2 years, I am familiar with the living habits of Hong Kong people and it is easier to adapt to a new job

Warranty period

Generally provide replacement of overseas or ready-made overseas maids at a preferential price within one year

Generally provide replacement of overseas or ready-made overseas maids at a preferential price within one year

Holiday home

After completing the two-year contract

Need to arrange for the maid to return to the place of origin for a holiday within the first year of the contract

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