Comments Reference
EX HK - 7Y, EX Singapore - 4Y , Double Visa 2 Week,s
Age of children:16Y, 8Y
Language skills
learning |
nomal |
good |
Cantonese |
Mandarin |
- |
English |
Primary school:
Elementary - Graduated
Junior high school:
Junior High School - Completed
High school:
Senior High School - Completed
BS Industrial Education - Graduated
NC2 TESDA training Course - Completed
from 2018-04 to 2023-04 |
House Cleaning |
Doing the laundries |
Ironing |
Cooking |
Chinese Food |
Western Food |
Care of new-born babies |
Care of young children |
Ages:8Y |
Care of elderly / disabled |
Care Cat |
Care Dog |
Car Washing |
:Marketing |
Residence of Empolyer:Tai Koo Shing HK
Reason of Leave:Employer financial problem
No of Family Members:4
from 2010-12 to 2014-12 |
House Cleaning |
Doing the laundries |
Ironing |
Cooking |
Chinese Food |
Western Food |
Care of new-born babies |
Care of young children |
Ages:13Y, 9Y |
Care of elderly / disabled |
Care Cat |
Care Dog(1 big dog ) |
Car Washing |
:Marketing, Gardening |
Residence of Empolyer:Singapore
Reason of Leave:Finish Contract
No of Family Members:5
Job preferred |
 | new-born babies (0-1y) |
 | Taking care of young children (1-5y) |
 | Taking care of young children (6-12y) |
 | Taking care of pets
√ Small dogs
 | Taking care of healthy elderly |
 | Gardening |
 | Work with Indonesian maid |
 | Work with Filipino maid |
More |
| Do you smoke regularly? |
| Do you drink alcohol regularly? |
 | Do you have all complete and normal body parts? |
| Would you agree to do extra work? |
| Sharing a room with babies / children / elder? |
I have never been convicted of any crimes or offences either in Hong Kong or elsewhere. |
| If your holiday not on Sunday do you agree? |
| If your employer asked you to work on your rest day and is willing to pay as compensation, are you willing to do so? |
| Do you eat pork? |
| Can you handle pork? |
Declaration of Applicant
I understand and consent that all my personal data/ information collected and contained in this form is used by the Sunlight Employment Agency for the purposes of seeking for an employer for me to work as a foreign domestic helper in Hong Kong. The personal data will be posted, display or disclose on the websites or any branches by Sunlight Employment Agency for the said purposes for access by visitors. The relevant information may also be used to assist in the enforcement of relevant laws by government bureau/departments.
I hereby declare that all personal data/all information given in this document and in any documents attached is true, correct and complete. In case of inaccuracy, the applicant must bear all legal liabilities.
Eligibility Criteria for foreign domestic helper
(a) The employer is financially capable of employing a Helper after his/her household expenditure has been deducted. In general, for every Helper to be employed, the employer must have a household income of no less than HK$15,000 per month or assets of comparable amount to support the employment of a Helper for the whole contractual period. The monthly household income figure of HK$15,000 may be adjusted by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) from time to time.
(b) The Helper and the employer shall enter into a standard Employment Contract (ID 407) as specified by the Director of Immigration.
(c) The Helper shall only be required to perform domestic duties for the employer as per the Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties attached to the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
(d) The Helper shall not be required or allowed by the employer to take up any other employment with any other person during his/her stay in the HKSAR and within the contract period specified in Clause 2 of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
(e) The employer undertakes to pay the Helper a salary that is no less than the minimum allowable wage announced by the HKSAR Government and prevailing at the date of application for employing the Helper.
(f) The Helper shall work and reside in the employer’s residence1 as specified in Clause 3 of the standard Employment Contract (ID 407).
(g) The Helper shall be provided with suitable accommodation and with reasonable privacy2.
(h) The bona fides of the employer and the Helper are not in doubt; there is no known record to the detriment of the employer and the Helper. For details of matters which will be taken into account, please refer to section IV on “Breaches” below.
(i) The employer is a bona fide resident in the HKSAR.
Source: Hong Kong Immigration Department-Hiring Domestic Helpers from Foreign Countries (Simple Guide) [ID(E)969]
Basic Labor Laws
Declaration of Sunlight Employment Agency
"Job-hopping foreign domestic helper" means premature contract termination and wages is higher than the Minimum Allowable Wages. Besides the maid’s “Personal Data” in the first page, there are no feasible means to verify completely the accuracies and timeliness of information listed in this bio-data, Clients should verify by themselves the related information during the interviews and screenings. All personal data/information contained in this document is provided by the applicant, Sunlight Employment Agency does not guarantee the authenticity of the applicant's personal data/information and will not be liable for any legal liabilities for any loss and damage caused by any inconsistency, inaccuracy and or omission of information provided by the applicant in this document.