
Several different states of babies

1. Quiet sleep


During quiet sleep, the baby’s face will relax, the eyelids will be closed, breathing will be even, and the whole body will have no other activities except for occasional startles and slight mouth movements. The baby is completely at rest, and it is most difficult to wake up at this time.


2. Active sleep


During active sleep, newborns’ eyes are usually closed, but occasionally they are briefly opened, and the eyelids sometimes tremble. It is often seen that the eyeballs move quickly under the eyelids. Uneven breathing, fast and slow. There is a slight twitching of the arms, legs and the whole body. Smiles, strange looks, frowns and other expressions are common on the face, and sometimes sucking or chewing movements appear.


3. Quiet awakening


During a quiet awakening, the baby’s eyes are usually wide open, bright and luminous, and rarely move. At this time, the baby is very alert, likes to look at things, look at people's faces, listen to sounds, and even imitate the expressions of adults. This state usually appears when they have eaten milk or changed diapers.


4. Activity awakening


When the baby is awakened, the baby's activities increase, the eye and face activities also increase, it will look around the surrounding environment and make some brief sounds. Sometimes the exercise is very violent, and even spontaneous startle occurs. This state is generally caused by strong internal stimuli (such as hunger, cold, pain, etc.), and can also be caused by strong external stimuli (such as being put in a crib or removing a nipple from the mouth, etc.).


5. Crying


When a baby cries, it is often accompanied by vigorous movement of the limbs, the eyes can be opened or closed, and the face is sometimes flushed. Crying is a way for a baby to communicate with others. He uses crying to express his willingness, hoping that his parents can meet his requirements, such as being hungry, urinating or feeling unwell. There is also a kind of crying for no reason. It appears before going to bed, and the baby falls asleep after crying for a while; it can also appear when the baby just wakes up, crying for a while and then enters a quiet awakening state.


6. Drowsy


Sleepiness usually occurs right after waking up or before falling asleep. The baby’s eyes are usually half closed and half open, the eyelids are trembling, and the eyeballs may roll up before the eyes are closed. Sometimes there are actions such as smiling, frowning or pursing lips. The eyes become sluggish, unresponsive, and at a loss for sounds or images, often accompanied by startle. This is a transitional state between sleeping and waking up, with a short duration.
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