
Beginners' guide for helpers to work at home

What should I do when I start working for my employer?

  • To facilitate reimbursement of costs of documentation by your employer, you should produce receipts for all relevant expenses incurred in preparing the documents.

  • You are advised to ask your employer to explain your duties and get a clear idea of what your employer expects of you. You shall perform domestic duties as specified in the “Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties”* of your employment contract.

  • You should keep your own personal identification documents (e.g. identity card, passport, etc.). No other person, including your employer or staff of the employment agency, should keep these documents for you without your consent.

Can I live away from my employer’s home?

  • No. You should work and reside in your employer’s residence in accordance with Clause 3 of the standard employment contract. Your employer is required to provide you with free accommodation as per the standard specified in the “Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties”* of the employment contract.

(For those live-out arrangements which have been approved by the Director of Immigration before 1 April 2003, the helper is allowed to reside in places other than the employer’s residence provided that the employer continues to employ foreign domestic helper without a break of more than 6 months.)

Can I take up part-time employment with my employer’s consent?

No. It is an offence under the Immigration Ordinance for you to take up any employment with any person other than your employer named on your visa. You will be liable to prosecution and removal for breaching the conditions of stay. If you are so removed, you will not normally be allowed to come to Hong Kong again to work as a helper.

What should I do if my employer deploys me to work for another person or take up non-domestic duties?

You should report the matter to the Investigation Division of the Immigration Department.

What should I note on my personal safety and rights while I work in Hong Kong?

  • If you were being physical abused or your personal safety is at risk, call the police emergency hotline “999” immediately for assistance.

  • If you are not paid your wages or any of your employment right is infringed, call the Labour Department 24-hour enquiry hotline “2157 9537” or approach the branch offices of the Labour Relations Division of the Labour Department for enquiry and assistance. See Chapters 3 and 12.

  • Always keep your passport and Hong Kong Identity Card yourself. No other person should keep your passport for you.

  • You should not sign any documents if you do not understand or agree.

* The standard employment contract includes a “Schedule of Accommodation and Domestic Duties” which specifies the standard of accommodation and details of domestic duties performed by the helper.

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